Blog post #4Cuba

 Cuba is a country in the West Indies, Cuba is also the largest single island of the archipelago, and one of the more-influential states of the Caribbean region. Cuba was claimed by Christopher Columbus for Spain in 1492. It became the Spanish empire's most-important source of raw sugar in the 18th century and later earned a sobriquet "Pearl of the Allies." On New Year's Day, 1959, revolutionary forces led by Fidel Castro overthrew the government of dictator Fulgencio Batista. Life in contemporary Cuba is thus challenging, given the limit access to food, transportation, electrical power, an other necessities. Even so, many Cubans show a fierce pride in their revolutionary society, the only one of its kind in Latin America. 

ever since the new privatization laws lifted the lid off Cuba's creative pressure cooker in 2011, a culinary has been in full swing. A country that once offered little more than rice and beans has rediscovered its gastronomic with a profusion of new restaurants experimenting with spices- a welcome re-evaluation of its own national cuisine. 

Cuba has many different habitats, from mountain forests to jungles and grasslands. There are even small deserts. These different ecosystems are home to unique plants and animals found only in Cuba.

everything about this country history is interesting, but most of all is the country's introduction to pressure cook and how it changes everything. I really found that interesting. 


1. Levinson, Sandra H. and Knight, Franklin W.. "Cuba". Encyclopedia Britannica, 2 Dec. 2020, Accessed 16 February 2021.

2. lonely

3. nationalgeographic


  1. The same two areas on the rubric need some attention. Some grammer issues make some sentences a bit confusing. The quote in the middle about the changes to thier cooking could use quotation marks and an intro, because it seem our of place. Perhaps bring up Cuban cultural changes and food before this quote.


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